Tag Archives: Lessons

25 Things I Have Learned & Accepted As I Approach 25

1) It’s smart to plan and also to let go when life has other plans. 401K- smart. Your timeline for life events….let that play itself out. It’s usually best in the grand scheme of things.

2) H20 is your real bestie. It is such a simple thing and took me FOREVER to adopt into my lifestyle. Dehydration is the root of many issues such as weight gain, improper digestion, a loss of energy, dull skin, and the list goes on. Just drink the water, cleanse your body, and reward it for all the hard work it does.

3) People appreciate genuineness in business. Being in sales, my clients can spot a fake from miles away and they do not have time to engage in aggressive and fluffy banter. They appreciate when you get to know them on a personal level as well as their professional needs and concerns. Also, don’t forget to let them in on your life too—people love 20-something stories and giving their “been there, done that” wisdom!

4) Confidence is the sexiest thing one can wear. That overly-possessive aura and jealous face will not accent your Jimmy Choo pumps well. If you don’t believe that you own it, why would anyone else?

5) You should have purchased wine glasses after you graduated college. A Malbec in a Solo cup will probably make a wine connoisseur want to cry and if anyone find out, Napa just might put you on their ban list.

6) Your S/O is not psychic. Use your words.

7) Mother’s instincts are usually right. Whether if it is a gut feeling you are going to get that dream job or if that boyfriend of yours is a real bum, she always knows. They always know. Just don’t question it.

8) The way you react to things is directly correlated to how good of a life you will lead. Everything is a choice…be motivated or miserable, negative or cheerful, optimistic or doubtful.

9) If you don’t know how it was made, it probably isn’t that healthy for you. I’m definitely not a nutrition freak but the philosophy is simple. Limit processed foods, get a little bit of everything: your proteins, greens, fruits. When you’re 70 and on the dance floor while some of your friends have arthritis or are obese, you will thank me.

10) Don’t forget your Thank You’s. People always remember good manners 🙂

11) Many people don’t mean what they say, say what they mean, or do what they say. I’ll let you reread that. Got it? It’s unfortunate that individuals are not aligned in these aspects and as a result, they are usually unfulfilled in some way. Don’t be one of them and be in harmony.

12) Give yourself a half hour before bed without any emails or texts. It helps you relax and ease into a better sleep.

13) You will outgrow people in your life. Our priorities, preferences, and ideals change over the years so this is bound to happen. Don’t sweat it.

14) Don’t over think it, just do it. This is one of those I continue to work on…really let’s just all make a more productive use of our time.

15) If all else fails, smile. I’ve been in numerous uncomfortable or out of the ordinary situations that involved not knowing a soul in the room. Those pearly whites make you more approachable and easier to get into the flow of a conversation.

16) If you are open-minded, you are bound to learn and appreciate more around you. Always take up an opportunity to be exposed to something new.

17) Have a mentor and don’t let your ego in the way of asking for help. At one point in time, the person that you look upto needed guidance as well. It’s called paying it forward…

18) Never go to bed angry. That was our household rule growing up—so scream, shout, whatever you gotta do. As long as you hug each other and think about one thing you’re grateful for before you close your eyes.

19) Love can be subtle things. It does not have to be extravagant, huge gestures, or even breath-taking. You don’t have to instantly be swept off your feet, but rather it can culminate into something beautiful over time.

20) Pain most always makes you better. It causes an urgency to show you something with the status quo requires changing.

21) Your mind defines your bounds. Believe baby believe.

22) People may come and go, but you will never regret doing something nice for them. And plus, more good karma for you!

23) Puppies are just instant endorphin boosters. Bad day, look at pictures of these cute, fluffy, monsters…or better yet, get one!

24) It’s never too late to catch up. People appreciate when you think of them.

25) Chill. 25 is just a number. If you’re doing it right, you should just be aging well and getting more fabulous every year. Much like wine. Cheers to that!

Thanks for reading,


Lens of Love Lessons

It is currently 8:13 PM and I am going over the past three years in my head as if it was a movie reel spinning repeatedly. Today is just one of those days…filled with reflections and contemplations. I’ve been thinking about individuals and the roles they have played in my life. I am a strong believer in that every person serves a purpose whether it is to teach us something, help us discover a part within us we were not aware of before, or overall assist in our process of evolution. Yes, we are constantly evolving…and becoming a better version of ourselves. 2.0, 3.0, and it continues.  One day, we hope we become that best version of ourselves with someone that stays by our side. The process of evolution though is a funny thing however. Sometimes, it lifts you so high in the sky and other times you are face flat on the cement. Beautiful, painful, CONFUSING!

A few weeks ago, I was speaking with my mother, who is also one of my closest friends, about my fears and inhibitions moving forward. She made it a very simple for me. As I said, “Ma, how do I not know that the next time I give something my whole heart and effort, that it won’t come back to sucker punch me in the face?!” (Don’t mind the imagery—but I mean, you get the idea.) She pointed out that I was looking at everything through the wrong lens. Every person, role, and relationship is an experience…it is a lesson. Don’t ask if the next one will be like the last one. But, ask what did YOU take out of it? Did your view on something change? What is something you are proud of? What will you do differently that will be better?  If you did not have these moments, you would not be the new, improved, version that you are.

But, much like the iPhone, it is important to remember….that with all these upgrades, we must not lose our core functionality.

We must not lose our unique essence in the turbulence. It was a reminder that I had needed. I had been trying so hard to be careful, too calculated, and simply put, a CLAM. A few things about me: I live in a way so I never have any regrets—I say what’s on my mind (with good intentions), I’m spontaneous, and I follow what feels right. I do not let fear hinder me from something I may desire and I push my own boundaries in that regards. For a while, I thought maybe my spontaneity was the issue and that was the reason I had undergone what seemed like a volcano explosion of pain. I thought that my way of living life was maybe a way of just causing trouble for myself. However, my view was jaded. My essence which is spontaneous, transparent (seriously, my facial expressions cannot hide shit to save its life), non-judgemental while seeing the best in others is NOT to blame. Instead, I had a few lessons of my own to learn along the way which would not have been possible without a few people.

So, treat the journey like different classes. It will continue to become more advanced and eventually one day, you will be standing on the steps of “Harvard Love School” with your degree in hand. Then, you will have to go and get your graduate degree (AKA Marriage) which has many classes of its own from what a few friends tell me….but that’s a whole other concept I have not yet grasped and I’m okay with that haha. You may get lost around campus, want to skip a class or two, and maybe even struggle with a few exams…but in the end, my gut tells me that diploma and the person giving it to me will be all worth it. 


As always, thanks for reading….
